Thursday, March 8, 2007

Have a good what?!?!

It's just a given that every region has it's own dialect and colloquialisms (yes, I spell-checked that) and with no one in D.C. being from D.C., we have a range of sayings from all over the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Now, I'm not a grammar person and usually, I don't mind these little sayings, but there is one that has really been getting on my nerves. I see the same security guard leaving work every day and he always, in a very strong African accent, happily says "Have a good one!"

Maybe it's that I feel it's impersonal and that the security guard should know me and have something more relevant to say. Maybe it's that I feel he should know whether it's morning, afternoon or night and should respond accordingly. Maybe I should spend some time at Bed, Bath and Beyond or Home Depot but I don't think I'm going to have time. One thing I do know is that the next time he says "Have a good one", I'm going to ask him "Have a good what?" and see what happens.

What nonsense sayings make your blood boil. Leave a comment and we'll discuss.


Maggie said...

Nonsense is one word, no hyphen.

Quinn said...

Also, "no one" is either two words or (rarely) hyphenated as "no-one."

Mr. McFadz said...

Screw you guys.