Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Apparently I have no style

Saturday night as I made my way down U Street, I was stopped by 2 girls who wanted to take a picture of my coat (the yellow one) for a new blog they have started called Project Beltway.

The site reads "I started Project Beltway because I was tired of hearing that Washingtonians have no sense of style. In a city where power dictates fashion, instead of the reverse, Project Beltway will go beyond the power suits and prove that the nation’s capital has a style as interesting as the people shaping its unique culture. What better way to play style anthropologist than through a literal and figurative snapshot of Washington residents?"

Its always nice to be complimented on my style so I agreed to the picture. I went to the site this morning only to find that I didn't make the cut. I guess I don't have style! Oh well - though i must say - my coat is much cuter then this fur jacket!

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