Keeping in line with Maggie's previous post, I found out that a co-worker of mine who lives near Georgia/Petworth metro was going home from the bar late Saturday night with her husband and had an altercation with a group of about 8 men. Her husband's wallet was taken from him but when he didn't have any money, he was roughed up a bit and given back his wallet. Amazingly, she thinks it's funny that they were mugged but that nothing was taken. If this happend to me and Mrs. McFadz, I'm sure I'd be angry and that she'd be shaken up.
They did file a police report although, having spent the night in the bar, they were not able to provide very good descriptions of the assailants.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
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That is crazy! It is always the big groups of guys that tend to worry me when i pass them on the street.
hey anger management guy, why don't you learn to read? the only one who thinks the mugging is funny was the guys wife...not the innocent poster you're harassing. sounds to me like commiseration, not jest. take a chill pill. seriously.
cassandra, you're just an idiot. i hope you get mugged, then read about it on some douchebag's blog, then see misinformation, an "analysis", and a "warning", and see how you feel. if you don't want these type of reactions then stop posting stupid shit on the interweb.
no where in the post, or anywhere on this blog for that matter, does anyone claim to be an authority on anything. we hear it, we write about it. if you think its a waste of time, then don't read it. if the whole post is so "obvious" you should quickly get the point of it: guy heard scary story, thought he'd tell his friends to be careful since shit still happening in dc. and frankly, i don't need all the information in it to be 100% accurate to get that point. you sound like a person very angry about something that happened to him who is now taking it out on completely the wrong person. but that's just my opinion....
again, what is the point of the blog? "be careful?" Tell me what you would do when you get surrounded by 10 people. "Be careful?" And recognizing 10 suspects after you get mugged? Has nothing to do with being at the bar beforehand. It's a proven fact that 10 different people have each different accounts at a bank robbery, and you want to blame this on drinking. I swear you are all idiots.
Blogger stating that the guy's wife thought it was "funny," and how he would be angry and his wife would be all shook up... So you are saying she's wrong for thinking it's funny and that she's a drunk. How righteous of the blogger.
I hope you all get mugged so you can post about it later.
wishing mugging on someone else after what you obviously had to deal with is seriously hostile. and while you are certainly allowed to respond to whatever post gets under your skin, i'm certainly allowed to respond in kind. nice to see you deleted your previous comments...guess you don't have the guts to stand behind them when faced with this crazy thing we call logic. don't call me an idiot.
ok fact 1:
the fact that this blog is now moderated, shows that the blogger doesn't have the guts to let whatever on here goes.
fact 2:
you clearly misunderstood what i wrote because you're stupid and dense. I deleted them and pretty much said the SAME thing in the last two comments. obviously you're not reading anything that i have written because.. you're just stupid.
fact 3:
"i don't need all the information in it to be 100% accurate to get that point."
What was the point? Does the blog say how to fend off 8-10 muggers?
fact 4:
yeah I wish you guys would get mugged. it's easy to talk about feelings and reactions, and self-righteous of the blogger by incorrectly stating how the victims felt, and how they "should" feel. Maybe then you can tell us how to prevent a mugging, how to "be careful" and tell us how to all feel.
and i think you're an idiot. whoever wrote that blog got none of the details right, and made no point at all. if that's what you like to read, more power to you. and... you're an idiot.
fact 5:
let's talk about feelings. you're an idiot.
no one has censored you, so stop whining about it. i don't have to tell people what i think about your intelligence or maturity level...they can see it for themselves. i feel bad for you that you seem to think the post is judging you or your wife's reactions. no one knows what they would do in such a situation and i still think you are reading way to much into the original post. you are obviously obsessed with this and since you can't lash out at your actual attackers, you are unleashing this completely impotent tirade against a bunch of people you don't even know. its beyond sad. and as far as people deserving things goes, there is a concept for that...its called kharma. and since you are the one who is mugged and well, we weren't, i think that speaks volumes.
who said that was my wife? you'd make a lousy detective.
like i said. you're stupid.
the "tirade" is on the whole stupidity, misinformation, and "expert analysis" of the blog. sorry Oprah, that you're obviously too dense to understand anything that was said.
whining? the only here whining is you, and way to remove the moderation of the comments, were you scared or something? kudos to you, hypocrite. i've had enough of stupidity from this blog for today so you can end the note on this blog comments section.
i like how you idiots twist information around to make yourselves seem so righteous. that's right, who needs all the information when you can make it up yourself?
don't forget that louis logic is playing at galaxy hut on April 1. $12.
blah, blah, blah. bored now.
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