Thursday, February 1, 2007

turning back the clock

who knew daylight savings time had changed? apparently, as congress and the world grows more aware and concerned with the global warming phenomenon, they are taking every possible step to reduce the use of energy. the change was actually initiated in 2005, and we saw the end of daylight savings time a week later in '06 -- november as opposed with october in previous years. now the second piece of change will be happening in two months, with the clocks rolling forward in March 11th, almost 3 weeks earlier! i for one am shocked, especially since i had no idea this was coming. it also means we early risers will be getting up in the dark again, as sunrise on the 11th is estimated to be around 7am. boo. it is also estimated, however, that the u.s. will save 100,000 barrels of oil by pushing more activity into the daylight hours. crazy.

in related energy news, california is trying to ban regular light bulbs. first smoking, then trans fat and now this....america says you are going to be healthy and live in a pollution free environment whether you like it or not.

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